Budgeting Without Spreadsheets

Still using spreadsheets?

There’s a good chance that the title Budgeting Without Spreadsheets has sparked your interest because spreadsheets are causing you grief in one form or another.

You might also be surprised to know that according to a recent study of 500 finance professionals, 79% of your professional peers are also unhappy with their current budgeting processes and tools. Furthermore, over 70% of those studied rely heavily on spreadsheets as the core tool with which they build annual budgets.

Issues like lack of collaboration, weak reporting, no audit compliance and the error-prone nature of spreadsheets have lead forward-thinking finance professionals such as yourself to seek a more simple, streamlined and collaborative tool to create budgets. One that saves time and resources and creates more time to conduct analysis and add value to the overall business objectives.

Budgeting without spreadsheets

This white paper which is designed to be read by finance professionals starts to paint a picture of a better way to budget – one that reduces the frustrations that are built into budgeting when using spreadsheets.

Download your copy and find out why more people are moving beyond spreadsheets towards Corporate Performance Management solutions such as Prophix

Download the Budgeting without Spreadsheets eGuide